Tropical Paradise Wholesale Foliage, Inc.
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
*By a plant name indicates there is a photo on our website

Thank you for ordering by ½ case minimums for all 2" - 6" material and 8" & 10" hanging baskets.
Please refer to the case pack quantities.

       2" Aglaonema Red Vein * 32
       2" Alocasia Macrorrhiza Var 32
       2" Anthurium Crystallinum * 32
       2" Anthurium Orange Champion 32
       2" Anthurium Red Champion 32
       2" Anthurium Red Flag * 32
       2" Anthurium Silver Blush 32
       2" Anthurium Vittarifolium 32
       2" Anthurium White Champion 32
       2" Monstera Standleyana Albo 32 (No halfpacks)
       2" Monstera Thai Constellation 32
       2" Philo Burle Marx Var 32
       2" Philo Fl Ghost Mint 32
       2" Philo Pink Naomi 32
       2" Philo Pluto Green 32
       2" Philo Red Heart * 32
       2" Philodendron Ruizii 32
       2" Philo Verrucosum * 32
       2" Alocasia Bambino 32
       2" Calathea Jessey Princess 32
       2" Calathea Lancifolia * 32
       2" Calathea Orbifolia 32
       2" Calathea Ornata * 32
       2" Pilosa * 32 (No halfpacks)
       2" Calathea Silver Star * 32
       2" Calathea Zebrina * 32
       2" Dieff Camouflage 32
       2" Ficus Audrey 32
       2" Ficus Rubber Burgundy * 32 (No halfpacks)
       2" Ficus Ruby Red * 32
       2" Ficus Salacifolia 32
       2" Ficus Shiverana * 32
       2" Ficus Tineke * 32
       2" Nephthytis Confetti * 32
       2" Peperomia Ecuador 32
       2" Philo Billietiatiae Croat * 32
       2" Birkin * 32
       2" Prince of Orange * 32
       2" Philo Sun Red * 32
       2" Philo Swiss Cheese * 32
       2" Stromanthe Magic Star 32
       2" Asplenium Parvati 90
Gen Z BELEAF (continue)
Christmas Pre-book
       8" Assorted HB * 6
       2" Aglaonema Beauty 32
       2" Aglaonema Bevispathum 32
       2" Aglaonema Geely Red * 32
       2" Alocasia Dragon Scale 32
       2" Alocasia Gold Bone 32
       2" Alocasia Jacklyn * 32
       2" Alocasia Longiloba Silver 32
       2" Alocasia Lukiwan 32
       2" Alocasia Mickey Mouse * 32
       2" Alocasia Portei 32
       2" Alocasia Regal Shields 32
       2" Alocasia Tiny Dancer * 32
       2" Alocasia Wentii 32
       2" Anthurium Lili 32 (No halfpacks)
       2" Anthurium Pearl Micro 32
       2" Calathea Fusion White * 32
       2" Calathea Yellow Allusion 32
       2" Philodendron Evian 32
       2" Philo Golden Crocodile 32
       2" Philo Mcdowell 32
       2" Philo Narrow Scape 32
       2" Philo Pastazanum Silver * 32
       2" Ring of Fire * 32 (No halfpacks)
       2" Silver Sword 32 (No halfpacks)
       2" Philo Tortum * 32
       2" Philo Warcewiczi Aurea * 32
       2" Philo White Princess * 32
       2" ZZ Black Queen * 32
       6" Tradescantia Nanouk * 8
Rare Plants
       4" Monstera Thai Constellation * 15
       4" Atabapoence 30
       4" Philodendron Billietiae * 30
       4" Branditianum * 30
       4" Philo Mayoi 30
       4" Philodendron Ring Of Fire * 18
       4" Philodendron Rio * 30
       4" Snowdrift 30
       4" Philo White Wizard * 30
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Tropical Paradise Wholesale Foliage, Inc.
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
Rare Plants (continue)
       4" Syng Chiapense Ice Frost * 30
       6" Monstera Thai Constellation 12
       6" Philo Tortum 12
       6" Pinnatum Albo Var TP 12
       6" Pinnatum Marble Flame TP 12
       8" Thai Constellation * 1
Christmas Novelties: No 1/2 Trays
       8" Metal Fairy Garden * 5
New or Unusual
       6" String of Dolphin * 12
Adromischus Cristanthus
       2" Crinkle Leaf Plant * 90
       4" Assortment * 30
       4" Golden Powder * 30
       4" Maria (Emerald Beauty) * 30
       4" Night Sparkle 30
       4" Pink Valentine 30
       4" Richard 30
       4" Silver Bay * 30
       4" Super White 30
       4" White Rain * 30
       4" White Wintry Wine House * 30
       5" Dazzling Gem * 16
       5" Red Siam * 16
       5" Spring Snow * 16
       6" Assortment * 12
       6" Aurora Siam 12
       6" Cutlass * 12
       6" Emerald Bay * 12
       6" Golden Madonna * 12
       6" Green Papaya * 12
       6" Jubilee * 12
       6" Mary Ann 12
       6" Milestone 12
       6" Red Siam: Full Tray Only * 12
       6" Red Valentine * 12
       6" Romeo * 12
       6" Rubi * 12
       6" Shades of Green 12
       6" Silver Bay * 12
       6" Spring Snow * 12
       6" Stripes * 12
       6" Tigress * 12
       8" BJ Freeman * 1
       8" Emerald Bay * 1
       8" Golden Papaya * 1
       8" Grower's Choice 1
       8" Indo Princess 1
       8" Jubilee * 1
       8" Maria (Emerald Beauty) * 1
       8" Mondo Bay 1
       8" Pink Diamond 1
Aglaonema (continue)
       8" Silver Bay * 1
       8" Spring Snow * 1
       8" Stripes * 1
       8" Tigress * 1
       8" White Rain * 1
       10" BJ Freeman * 1
       10" Emerald Bay * 1
       10" Gemini * 1
       10" Golden Madonna * 1
       10" Grower's Choice 1
       10" Juliette * 1
       10" Maria (Emerald Beauty) * 1
       10" Moonlight Bay * 1
       10" Romeo * 1
       10" Silver Bay * 1
       10" Silverado * 1
       10" Tigress * 1
       14" BJ Freeman * 1
       14" Golden Madonna 1
       14" Jubilee * 1
       14" Red Siam * 1
       14" Silver Bay * 1
       14" Silverado 1
       14" Stripes * 1
       2" Cuprea Red Secret * 80
       4" Assortment * 30
       4" Cuprea Red Secret * 30
       4" Dragon Scale * 30
       4" Green Unicorn 30
       4" Jacklyn * 30
       4" Morocco 30
       4" Scalprum 30
       4" Silver Dragon * 30
       4" Tiny Dancer * 30
       4" Zebrina * 30
       5" Camouflage 16
       5" Frydek Variegated
       6" Assortment * 12
       6" Black Velvet * 12
       6" Cuprea * 12
       6" Dragon Scale * 12
       6" Green Unicorn 12
       6" Jacklyn * 12
       6" Kuching Mask * 12
       6" Lime 12
       6" Mickey Mouse * 12
       6" Polly * 12
       6" Regal Shields * 12
       10" Alocasia Borneo Giant * 1
       10" Calidora * 1
       10" California * 1
       10" Macrorrhiza Var 1
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Tropical Paradise Wholesale Foliage, Inc.
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
Alocasia (continue)
       10" Macrorrhiza Var 1
       10" Portora * 1
       10" Regal Shields * 1
       14" Borneo Giant 1
       14" Calidora * 1
       14" California * 1
       14" Portora * 1
       14" Regal Shields 1
       4" Amydrium Medium Silver * 30
       6" Amydrium Medium Silver * 30
       4" Anthurium Assortment * 36
       4" Cobra * 30
       4" Crystallinium 30
       4" Superbum * 30
       6" Assortment * 12
       6" Clarinervium * 12
       6" Jungle Bush 12
       6" Radicans 12
       6" Red * 12
       8" Superbum * 1
       10" Red * 1
       14" Hookerii * 1
       6" Balfour Stump Var 12
       6" Bianca * 12
       6" Fabian * 12
       6" Ming Stump * 12
       10" Fabian Stump * 1
       10" False * 1
       10" Ming Stump * 1
       12" Fabian Stump * 1
       14" False * 1
       8" Cast Iron 1
       10" Cast Iron * 1
       10" Var Cast Iron * 1
       14" Cast Iron * 1
       2" Maculata Polka Dot * 90
       2" Red Kiss * 90
       4" Harmony Asst * 30
       4" Maculata Polka Dot * 30
       6" Harmony Asst 12
       6" Maculata Pink Spot * 12
Begonia Rex
       5" Assortment * 20
       6" Assortment * 12
Bird of Paradise
       6" Bird of Paradise White * 12
       8" Bird of Paradise White * 1
       10" Bird of Paradise White * 1
Bird of Paradise (continue)
       10" Bird of Paradise Yellow 1
       14" Bird of Paradise Orange * 1
       14" Bird of Paradise White * 1
       17" Bird of Paradise White * 1
       2" Phals 90
       2" Blooming Mini Asst * 50
       4" Assortment * 30
       4" Rieger Assortment 24
       4" Phals Asst Dbl or Branched * 30
       4.5" Assortment * 24
       4.5" Assortment * 20
       4.5" Blooming Assortment * 24
       5" Assortment * 20
       5" Assorted Dbl or Branched 15
       5" Assortment * 20
       6" African Violet * 12
       6" Assorted * 12
       6" Blooming Assortment * 12
Bonsai Juniper: No 1/2 Trays
       6" Juniper Bonsai * 12
       8" Juniper Bonsai 6
       10" Juniper Bonsai 4
       12" Juniper Bonsai * 2
Bonsai Material
       5" Ficus Ginseng 20
Bonsai Material (Grower Pot)
       4" Juniper Nana Bonsai Pre-finish... * 30
       6" Combo Cerami * 12
       6" Combo in Grower Pot * 12
Bromeliad Assortment
       4" Assorted Varieties 30
Bromeliad Aechmea
       6" Bromeliad Fasciata * 12
Bromeliad Cryptanthus
       2" Assortment * 25
       3" Assortment * 50
       3" Pastel Pink 50
       4" Assortment * 30
Bromeliad Guzmania
       4" Assortment * 30
       4" Red 15
       6" Assortment * 12
       6" Orange-Red * 12
       6" Burgundy * 12
       6" Orange * 12
       6" Pink * 12
       6" Red * 12
       6" Yellow * 12
Bromeliad Neoregelia
       6" Assortment * 12
Bromeliad on Driftwood
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Tropical Paradise Wholesale Foliage, Inc.
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
       Foam Driftwood * 4
Bromeliad Tillandsia
       Box Asst Box of 10 Large 10
       Md Asst Box of 18 Medium * 1
       Sm Asst Box of 44 Small * 1
       Asst Asst Box of Sm Md & Few Large * 1
       Sm Xerographica Box of 810 Small 1
       Asst Xerographica Box of 4 Lg & 6 M... * 1
       Md Xerographica Box of 8 Medium * 1
       1" Tillandsia Ionantha 45
Bromeliad Tillandsia-No Half Packs
       2" Mini Pots * 25
       6" Tillandsia in Bamboo * 15
Bromeliad Tree
       Large 30 in Tall * 4
       Medium Md 24 Inch Tall (No Half Packs... * 2
       2" Assortment * 90
       2" Opuntia Assortment * 90
       2" Pencil Firestick * 90
       3" Assortment * 50
       3" Cactus Color Tops Assortment * 50
       3" Opuntia Assortment * 50
       4" Cactus Color Tops Assortment * 30
       4" Pencil * 30
       4" Assortment * 30
       4" Brain 30
       4" Combo
       4" Golden Barrel 30
       4" Cactus in Clay * 20
       4" Old Man 30
       4" Opuntia Assortment * 30
       4" Golden Bunny Ears 30
       4" White Bunny Ears 30
       4" Ric Rac (Zig Zag) * 30
       4" Peanut 30
       4" Pencil Firesticks 30
       6" Cactus Assortment * 12
       6" Brain * 12
       6" Golden Barrel * 12
       6" Opuntia Assortment 12
       6" Opuntia Prickly Pear Green * 12
       6" Ric Rac (Zig Zag) 12
       6" Pencil * 12
       6" Stapelia Assortment * 12
       8" Assortment * 1
       8" Cereus Monstrosus * 1
       8" Cereus Peruvianus 1
       8" Golden Barrel 1
       8" Opuntia Assortment 1
       8" Opuntia Prickly Pear Green * 1
       8" Cactus * 1
       10" Assortment 1
       10" Cereus Monstrosus 1
Cactus (continue)
       10" Cereus Peruvianus * 1
       10" Cereus Peruvianus Grower #1013 1
       10" Golden Barrel 1
       10" Opuntia Prickly Pear Green * 1
       10" Opuntia Romano 1
       10" Pencil * 1
       12" Cereus Peruvianus * 1
       12" Pencil * 1
       14' Opuntia Prickly Pear Green 1
       14" Opuntia Romano 1
       17" Opuntia Romano 1
Cactus and Succulent
       2" Cactus & Succulent Asst * 90
       3" Cactus and Succulent Assortmen... * 50
       4" Cactus & Succulent Asst * 30
       6" Aloe-Gast-Haw Asst 12
       6" Cactus and Succulent Assortmen... * 12
Cactus Garden: No 1/2 Trays
       4" Glazed Clay Bowl 3ppp * 10
       6" Glazed Clay Bowl 5 ppp * 9
       2" Mix 90
       4" Blue Grass 30
       4" Assortment * 30
       4" Beauty Star * 30
       4" Burle Marx * 30
       4" Concina (Freddie) * 30
       4" Ctenanthe Amagris * 30
       4" Dottie * 30
       4" Fasciata * 30
       4" Fusion White * 30
       4" Lancifolia * 30
       4" Louisa Thai Beauty 30
       4" Makoyana * 30
       4" Marion 30
       4" Maui Queen 30
       4" Medallion * 30
       4" Musaica "Network Plant" * 30
       4" Orbifolia * 30
       4" Ornata * 30
       4" Picturata * 30
       4" Red Peacock 30
       4" Roseo Picta Green * 30
       4" Rosey Roseo Picta * 30
       4" San Guinea 30
       4" Shinestar * 30
       4" Vittata * 30
       4" Warscewiczii * 30
       4" Yellow Allusion 30
       4" Zebrina * 30
       6" Assortment * 12
       6" Beauty Star * 12
       6" Burle Marx * 12
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Tropical Paradise Wholesale Foliage, Inc.
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
Calathea (continue)
       6" Concina * 12
       6" Dottie * 12
       6" Grey Star 12
       6" Lancifolia * 12
       6" Makoyana * 12
       6" Medallion * 12
       6" Orbifolia * 12
       6" Ornata * 12
       6" Picturata 12
       6" Pilosa * 12
       6" Red Peacock 12
       6" Roseo Picta * 12
       6" San Guinea 12
       6" Stella * 12
       6" Warscewiczii * 12
       6" Zebrina * 12
       8" Calathea Exotica * 1
       8" Fusion White * 1
       8" Lancifolia * 1
       8" Makoyana * 1
       8" Ornata * 1
       8" Picturata 6
       8" Stella * 6
       10" Setosa 1
Calathea Misto
       6" Misto * 12
       1.5" Venus Flytrap Piranha 66
       2" Drosera Capensis Alba 90
       2" Nepenthes Lady Luck 90
       2" Nepenthes St Gaya 90
       2" Sarrancenia Velvet 90
       2" Nepenthes Rebecca Soper 90
       2" Sun Dew" 90
       2" Venus Flytrap w/ Display * 50
       2" Merry go Round" 90
       2" Capensis Mix 90
       2" Nepenthes Asst 90
       2" Venus Flytrap Green * 90
       3" Sarracenia Trumpet Pitcher * 25
       4" Nepenthes Alata HB * 30
       4" Sarracenia Trumpet Pitcher HB ... * 30
       6" Bog Garden in Monster Box * 6
Carnivorous Nepenthes
       2" Blood Mary 90
Carnivorous Sarracenia
       2" Sarrancenia Asst 90
       3" Purple Pitcher: No Half Trays * 25
Carnivorous Venus Flytrap No 1/2 Trays
       3" Venus Flytrap in Dome * 25
       3" Monster Box * 15
       6" Venus Flyrap Bog Garden * 9
Carnivorous Venus Flytrap No 1/2 Trays (continue)
China Doll
       10" China Doll * 1
Chlorophytum (Spider)
       2" Spider 90
       4" Original 30
       4" Reverse * 30
       6" Bonnie HB * 12
       8" Bonnie HB * 6
       8" Hawaiian HB * 6
       8" Original HB * 6
       8" Reverse HB * 6
Christmas Cactus
       4" Assorted * 30
       6" Assorted * 12
       4" Grape Ivy * 30
       4" Oak Ivy * 30
       6" Grape Ivy * 12
       4" Mosquito Plant" 30
Citrus Cocktail
       1G Bush: 2 in 1 Pot 1
Citrus Grapefruit
       1G Ray Ruby 1
       3G Ray Ruby Bush 1
       5G Ruby Red Std 1
       10G Ray Ruby St 1
       10G Ruby Red Standard 1
Citrus Kumquat
       5G Centennial Var Standard 1
       10G Centennial Variegated Std 1
       10G Negami Long Standard 1
Citrus Lemon
       1G Meyer Bush * 1
       1G Ponderosa Bush * 1
       3G Meyer Bush * 1
       3G Ponderosa Bush 1
       3G Variegated Pink Bush 1
       5G 5G Harvey Standard 1
       5G Meyer Standard 1
       5G Ponderosa Standard 1
       5G Sambo (Sweet) Bush 1
       10G Harvey Standard
       10G Meyer Standard 1
       10G Ponderosa Standard 1
       10G Sambo Std 1
Citrus Lime
       1G Key Limequat Bush * 1
       3G Key Limequat Bush 1
       5G Kaffir Standard 1
       5G Key Limequat Standard 1
       5G Key Thorny Standard 1
       5G Persian Standard 1
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Tropical Paradise Wholesale Foliage, Inc.
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
Citrus Lime (continue)
       5G Red Standard * 1
       10G Kaffir Standard 1
       10G Key Thorny Standard 1
       10G Red Standard 1
Citrus Orange
       1G Red Navel Bush 12
       5G Ambersweet Standard 1
       5G Blood Standard 1
       5G Hamlin Standard 1
       5G Naval Standard 1
       5G Page Standard 1
       5G Naval Red Standard 1
       5G Temple Standard 1
       5G Valencia Standard * 1
       10G Blood Red Standard * 1
       10G Hamlin Standard 1
       10G Navel Standard 1
       10G Page Standard 1
       10G Pineapple Standard 1
       10G Red Navel Standard 1
       10G Spring Navel Sfandard 1
       10G Valencia Standard * 1
Citrus Persian
       10G Persian Standard 1
Citrus Sour Orange
       1G Calamondin Bush * 1
       10G Calamondin Standard 1
Citrus Tangelo
       5G Minneola Standard 1
       5G Orlando Standard 1
       10G Minneola Standard 1
Citrus Tangerine
       5G Dancy Standard 1
       5G Satsuma Standard 1
       10G Dancy Standard 1
       10G Murcott (Honey) Standard 1
       10G Ponkan Standard 1
       10G Satsuma Standard 1
       2" Princess * 40
       4" Princess * 30
       10" Small Leaf * 1
       14" Small Leaf 1
       2" Coffee No Half Packs * 90
       6" Arabica * 12
       4" Foliage Combo * 30
       6" Foliage Combo * 12
       10" Chili Pepper 1
       10" Dark Star * 1
       10" Doctor Brown * 1
Cordyline (continue)
       10" Exotica * 1
       10" Florica * 1
       10" Singapore Twist 1
       4" Assortment * 30
       4" Petra * 30
       6" Assortment * 12
       6" Curly Boy * 12
       6" Mammy * 12
       6" Petra * 12
       6" Picasso (Paintbrush) 12
       8" Curly Boy * 1
       8" Grower's Choice 1
       8" Mammy * 1
       8" Petra * 1
       8" Picasso (Paintbrush) * 1
       10" "Sloppy Painter" Sta... 1
       10" Eleanor Roosevelt 1
       10" Freckles Standard 1
       10" Mammy * 1
       10" Mammy Standard * 1
       10" Petra * 1
       10" Petra Standard * 1
       10" Grower's Choice Std * 1
       14" Gold Dust * 1
       14" Petra * 1
       4" Maui Wowie 30
       4" Assortment * 30
       4" Amy * 30
       4" Camouflage * 30
       4" Cougar 30
       4" Starbright 30
       6" Asstortment * 12
       6" Panther * 12
       6" Amy * 12
       6" Camille * 12
       6" Camouflage * 12
       6" Compacta * 12
       6" Snow * 12
       6" Starbright * 12
       6" Tropic Marianne * 12
       8" Camouflage * 1
       8" Memoria Corsii * 1
       8" Tropic Marianne * 1
       8" Camille * 1
       8" Compacta * 1
       8" Tropic Snow * 1
       10" Camouflage * 1
       10" Cougar 1
       10" Memoria Corsii * 1
       10" Panther * 1
       10" Snow 1
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Tropical Paradise Wholesale Foliage, Inc.
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
Dieffenbachia (continue)
       10" Tropic Marianne * 1
       10" Tropic Snow * 1
       4" Ant Plant 30
       4" Platphylla 30
Dish Garden
       4.5" Ceramic Drawer Dishgarden 12
       4.5" Pastel Polka Dot Metal Dishgar... 16
       4.5" Zora Ceramic 12
       5" Ceramic Pastel Egg on Nest 9
       5" Pastel Watering Can & Birdhous... 12
       5.5" Terra Cotta Clay Tower 2
       6" Metal * 9
       6" Garden of Weedin Metal Fairy G... * 9
       6" A-Rock Garden 9
       6" Lindell Ceramic * 9
       6" Maddy Ceramic 9
       6" Mother's Keepsake Jewelry Box ... 6
       6" Oval Ceramic 12
       6" Tall Cloche Terrarium * 9
       6" Tall Pink & White Ceramic Pot 12
       7" Lindell B-Rock Garden 6
       7" Lindell Ceramic Dishgarden 7
       7.5" Ceramic Coral Vase 9
       8" Metal * 5
       8" Garden of Weedin Metal Fairy G... * 5
       8" Lindell C-Rock Garden 5
       8" Lindell Ceramic Dishgarden * 5
       8" Pedestal Centerpiece 6
       8" Round Wooden Planter Dishgarde... 5
       8" Tall Cloche Terrarium * 6
       9" x 6" Glass Purse Terrarium 12
       10" 6
       10" Metal * 4
       10" Garden of Weedin Metal Fairy G... * 4
       10" Lindell Ceramic Dishgarden * 4
       10" Lindell D-Rock Garden 4
       11" Tall Cloche Terrarium * 4
       11" x 7.5" Glass Purse Terrarium 8
       12" Metal 2
       12" Lindell F-Rock Garden 2
       14" Metal 1
       14" Lindell Rock Garden * 1
Dishgardens Ceramic: No 1/2 Trays
       6" Assortment * 10
       6" Fairy Garden No Half Packs * 9
       8" Asst No Half Packs * 6
       8" Fairy Garden No Half Packs * 5
       10" Assortment 4
       10" Fairy Garden No Half Packs * 4
       12" Assortment * 2
       12" Fairy Garden No Half Packs * 2
Dishgardens Liner: No 1/2 Trays
       4" Clear Liner * 30
       5" Clear Liner * 20
       6" Clear Liner: No 1/2 Trays * 12
       7" Clear Liner: No 1/2 Trays * 9
       8" Clear Liner: No 1/2 Trays * 5
       8" Clear Liner: No 1/2 Trays * 8
       10" Clear Liner: No 1/2 Trays * 4
       11" Clear Liner: No 1/2 Trays * 4
       12" Dishgarden Liner * 2
       14" Dishgarden Liner * 1
Dishgardens Terra Plastic: No 1/2 Trays
       6" Plastic Terracotta * 10
       10" Plastic Terracotta * 4
       12" Plastic Terracotta * 2
       14" Plastic Terracotta * 1
Dishgardens Terracotta Plastic: No 1/2 Trays
       8" Plastic Terracotta * 5
Dishgardens Wicker: No 1/2 Trays
       6" Wicker Basket * 10
       7" Wicker Basket * 7
       8" Wicker Basket * 6
       10" Wicker Basket * 4
       12" Wicker Basket * 2
       14" Basket * 2
       16" Basket * 1
       18" Laundry Basket * 1
       2" Sanderiana 90
       6" Limon 12
       8" Limon 1
       10" Bronze Bay 1
       10" Kristi 1
       10" Santa Rosa 2ppp * 1
       10" Dragon Tornado 321 * 1
       10" Warneckii Tween 321 1
       12" Bronze Bay 1
       12" Golden Coast 432 1
       12" Kristi 1
       14" Anita Stump Var 1
       14" Dragon Florado * 1
       14" Dragon Tornado * 1
       14" Golden Coast Carousel 1
       14" Limon 1
Dracaena Godseffiana
       14" Godseffiana * 1
Dracaena Rikki
       10" Rikki 1
Dracaena Yucca
       6" Yucca Cane * 12
       10" Yucca 2-1 * 1
       10" Yucca Cane 3-2-1 * 1
       10" Yucca Cane 4-3-2 * 1
       12" Yucca 1ppp 1
       14" Yucca Cane 5-4-3-2 1
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Tropical Paradise Wholesale Foliage, Inc.
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
Dracaena Yucca (continue)
Dracaena Anita
       10" Stump 1
Dracaena Arborea
       14" Multi 1
       14" Single * 1
Dracaena Art (Carmen)
       6" Art 12
       8" Art * 1
       10" Art * 1
       10" Art Cane 3-2-1 1
       14" Art * 1
Dracaena Cintho
       6" Cintho Cane 12
Dracaena Combination
       10" Triple Combo * 1
Dracaena Corn
       10" Mass 2-1 * 1
       10" Mass 3-2-1 * 1
       10" Mass 4-3-2 * 1
       10" Mass Stump * 1
       14" Mass 5-4-3-2 * 1
Dracaena Dragon
       4" Assortment * 30
       4" Green Jewel * 30
       4" Jade Jewel * 30
       4" Twister * 30
       4" Warneckii Lemon Surprise * 30
       6" Assortment * 12
       6" Dorado * 12
       6" Green Jewel * 12
       6" Tornado * 12
       6" Twister 12
       6" Warneckii Lemon Surprise * 12
       8" Dorado * 1
       8" Florado * 1
       8" Green Jewel * 1
       8" Green Jewel Cane 24-18-12 * 1
       8" Tornado * 1
       10" Dorado 3-2-1 1
       10" Green Jewel * 1
       12" Dorado 4-3-2-1 * 1
       14" Dorado 1
       14" Green Jewel * 1
Dracaena Golden Coast
       10" Cutback 321
       12" Carousel 1
Dracaena Hawaiian Sunshine
       8" Hawaiian Sunshine Cane * 1
       10" Hawaiian Sunshine Pot * 1
       14" Hawaiian Sunshine Tip 1
Dracaena Janet Craig
       4" Compacta * 30
       6" Compacta * 12
Dracaena Janet Craig (continue)
       6" Limelight * 12
       8" Bush * 1
       8" Cane 1
       8" Compacta * 1
       8" Compacta Cutback Cane * 1
       8" Limelight * 1
       10" Bush * 1
       10" CB 3-2-1 * 1
       10" Limelight * 1
       12" Bush * 1
       12" Compacta Cane 432 1
       14" Compacta Cane 1
       14" Limelight * 1
Dracaena Lindenii
       8" Lindenii Cane 1
       12" Dracaena Lindenii Cane 1
Dracaena Lisa
       10" Elegance 4-3-2 Cane * 1
       10" Elegance 4-3-2-1 Cutback * 1
       14" Elegance Cane * 1
Dracaena Marginata
       6" Colorama Tip * 12
       6" Magenta Braid * 12
       8" Candelabra * 1
       8" CB Staggered 1
       8" Colorama 1
       8" Kiwi 1
       10" CB Braid * 1
       10" Bush * 1
       10" Bush 5ppp * 1
       10" CB Staggered * 1
       10" CB Stump * 1
       10" Colorama Bush * 1
       10" Kiwi Bush 1
       10" Staggered * 1
       12" CB Staggered 1
       12" CB Stump 1
       14" Candleabra * 1
       14" CB Braid 1
       14" CB Staggered 1
       14" Stump * 1
       14" Cutback Staggered * 1
       14" Stump * 1
Dracaena Marley
       6" Marley * 12
       8" Marley 1
       10" Marley 1
       14" Marley 1
Dracaena Pleomele
       6" Song of India * 12
       10" Song of India * 1
       10" Song of Jamaica * 1
Dracaena Sol
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Tropical Paradise Wholesale Foliage, Inc.
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
       6" Cane 12
Dracaena Tarzan
       10" Bush * 1
       10" Tarzan 1
       14" Tarzan Bush 1
       14" Tarzan Std 1
Dracaena Warneckii
       6" Lemon Lime * 12
       8" Lemon Lime * 1
       10" Bush * 1
       10" Lemon Lime * 1
       14" Lemon Lime * 1
Epeprimnum Pinnatum
       4" Albo 30
       4" Cebu Blue * 30
       6" Cebu Blue * 12
       8" Cebu Blue HB * 6
       4" Selloum Shangri-La * 30
       6" 2 Ball * 12
       6" 2 Ball * 12
       10" Spiral 1
       10" 1 Ball * 1
       10" 2 Ball 1
       10" 3 Ball * 1
       10" Cone * 1
       10" Globe 1
       10" Pom Pom 1
       12" 3 Ball * 1
       12" Spiral 1
       12" 2 Ball 1
       14" 1 Ball 1
       14" 2 Ball 1
       14" 3 Ball * 1
       14" Cone * 1
       14" Globe 1
       14" Spiral 1
       6" Fire Fly 12
       6" Gigantium * 12
       6" ShiShi Botan 12
       10" Tractor Seat * 1
       6" Spider's Web * 12
       10" Japonica Green * 1
       4" Asplenium Parvati 30
Fern Asparagus
       2" Asparagus 90
       4" Foxtail * 30
       4" Ming * 30
       4" Sprengeri * 30
       6" Foxtail * 12
Fern Asparagus (continue)
       6" Plumosus * 12
       10" Foxtail * 1
       10" Sprengeri HB * 4
Fern Austral Gem
       6" Austral Gem * 12
Fern Australian Tree
       4" Australian 30
       6" Australian * 12
Fern Birdnest
       4" Assortment * 30
       4" Crissie * 30
       4" Grower's Choice 30
       4" Japanese * 30
       4" Leslie * 30
       4" Nidus (Regular) * 30
       4" Victoria * 30
       6" Assortment * 12
       6" Crissie * 12
       6" Grower's Choice 12
       6" Japanese * 12
       6" Nidus (Regular) * 12
       6" Victoria * 12
       8" Crissie 1
       8" Japanese * 1
Fern Boston Type
       4" Petticoat 30
Fern Boston Types
       4" Boston 30
       4" Boston Assortment * 30
       4" Compacta * 30
       4" Fancy Frill 30
       4" Florida Ruffle 30
       4" Jester's Crown * 30
       4" Rita's Gold * 30
       4" Tiger Stripe * 30
       6" Boston * 12
       6" Boston Assortment * 12
       6" Compacta * 12
       6" Fancy Frill * 12
       6" Fishtail * 12
       6" Jester's Crown * 12
       6" Rita's Gold * 12
       8" Fishtail HB * 6
       8" Tiger Stripe HB * 6
       10" Premium Boston HB * 4
       10" Dallas HB 4
       10" Fishtail HB 4
       10" Jester's Crown 1
Fern Button
       4" Buttom * 30
       6" Button * 12
Fern Cotton Candy
       4" Cotton Candy * 30
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Tropical Paradise Wholesale Foliage, Inc.
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
Fern Cotton Candy (continue)
       8" Cotton Candy HB * 6
Fern Crocodyllus
       2" Crocodyllus 50
       4" Crocodyllus * 30
       6" Crocodyllus * 12
       8" Crocodyllus Pot 1
Fern Exotic
       4" Assortment * 30
       6" Assortment * 12
Fern Footed
       4" Assortment * 30
       4" Blue Hare's Foot * 30
       4" Deer Foot * 30
       4" Elkhorn (Green Flame) * 30
       4" Rabbit's Foot * 30
       4" Nicholas Diamond 30
       6" Blue Hare's Foot * 12
       6" Blue Star * 12
       6" Deer Foot * 12
       6" Kangaroo * 12
       6" Rabbit's Foot * 12
       8" Blue Hare's Foot HB * 6
       8" Rabbit's Foot HB * 6
Fern Hart's Tongue
       4" Crispum (Frilly) * 30
Fern Heart
       6" Heart * 12
Fern Holly
       4" East Indian * 30
       4" Regular * 30
       6" Regular * 12
Fern Kimberly Queen
       4" Kimberly Queen * 30
       6" Kimberly Queen * 12
       8" Kimberly Queen * 1
       10" Kimberly Queen * 1
       10" Kimberly Queen HB * 4
Fern Korean Rock
       4" Korean Rock * 30
       6" Korean Rock * 12
Fern Lemon Button
       4" Lemon Button * 30
       6" Lemon Button * 12
       8" Lemon Button HB * 6
Fern Macho
       6" Macho * 12
       10" Macho * 1
Fern Mahogany
       4" Mahogany * 30
       6" Mahogony * 12
Fern Maidenhair
       4" Assortment * 30
       4" Bronze Venus * 30
Fern Maidenhair (continue)
       4" Fragrens * 30
       4" Fritz Luthi * 30
       4" Pacific * 30
       4" Rosy * 30
       6" Assortment * 12
       6" Bronze Venus * 12
       6" Fragrens * 12
       6" Fritz Luthi * 12
       6" Giant Maidenhair * 12
       6" Pacific * 12
       6" Rosey * 12
       8" Assorted HB 6
       8" Fragrens HB * 6
       8" Fritz Luthi HB 6
       8" Pacific HB 6
       8" Rosey HB 6
       10" Fragrens HB * 4
Fern Pteris
       4" Albo Lineata 30
       4" Silver Lace * 30
       4" Silver Ribbon * 30
       4" Tricolor * 30
       6" Silver Lace * 12
       6" Silver Ribbon * 12
       6" Tricolor * 12
       8" Silver Ribbon * 1
Fern Southern Shield
       6" Southern Shield * 12
Fern Staghorn
       4" Bifurcatum * 30
       4" Bifurcatum Netherlands * 30
       4" Elephantotis 30
       4" Grower's Choice * 30
       6" Bifurcatum * 12
       6" Netherlands * 12
       6" Staghorn Plaque No Half Packs * 6
       8" Bifurcatum HB 6
       8" Staghorn HB * 6
Fern Tree
       6" Brazilian * 12
       6" Silver Lady * 12
       8" Brazilian 1
       8" Silver Lady * 1
Fern Autumn
       4" Autumn * 30
       6" Autumn * 12
Fern Birdnest
       4" Hurricane * 30
       6" Hurricane * 12
Fern Eyelash
       4" Eyelash * 30
Fern Vanda
       8" Staghorn Teak Vanda No Half Pa... * 4
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Tropical Paradise Wholesale Foliage, Inc.
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
Fern Vanda (continue)
       4" Salacifolia 30
       10" Little Sunshine Std 1
       12" Moclame Std 1
       12" Rubber Ruby Std 1
       14" Moclame Std 1
Ficus Audrey
       6" Bush Audrey Bush * 12
       8" Audrey Bush * 1
       8" Audrey Std 1
       10" Audrey Bush * 1
       10" Audrey Column 1
       10" Audrey Std * 1
       12" Audrey Std 1
       14" Natural Head 1
       14" Audrey Std 1
       17" 1 ppp (8'-9') 1
Ficus Gensing
       6" Ficus Gensing * 12
Ficus Quercifolia
       4" Quercifolia * 30
       6" Quercifolia HB * 12
Ficus Alii
       10" Braid * 1
       10" Standard * 1
       12" Braid * 1
       12" Standard * 1
       14" Braid * 1
       14" Standard * 1
       17" Standard * 1
Ficus Benjamina
       10" Green Braid * 1
       10" Green Standard * 1
       12" Green Braid * 1
       12" Green Standard * 1
       14" Green Braid * 1
       14" Green Standard * 1
       17" Green Braid 1
       17" Green Standard * 1
Ficus Benjamina Daniella
       10" Braid * 1
       10" Standard * 1
       12" Braid
       12" Standard * 1
       14" Braid * 1
       14" Std * 1
       17" Standard 1
Ficus Lyrata
       12" Little Sunshine Std 1
       12" Little Sunshine Std 1
Ficus Lyrata (Fiddle Leaf Fig)
       8" Bush * 1
       8" Column 1
Ficus Lyrata (Fiddle Leaf Fig) (continue)
       10" Bush * 1
       10" Column * 1
       10" Ficus Little Fiddle Bush * 1
       10" Standard * 1
       12" Column * 1
       12" Standard 1
       14" Bush * 1
       14" Standard * 1
       17" Bush * 1
       17" Standard * 1
Ficus Moclame
       4" Moclame 30
       8" Moclame Braid 1
       10" Std 1
       14" Moclame Std 1
Ficus Neon Marguerite
       10" Bush * 1
Ficus Repens
       4" Assorted Creeping Fig * 30
       4" Green Creeping Fig * 30
Ficus Rubber
       4" Burgundy * 30
       4" Ruby * 30
       4" Sofia * 30
       4" Tineke Bush * 30
       6" Burgundy * 12
       6" Tineke Bush * 12
       8" Altissima Golden Gem 1
       8" Burgundy Bush * 1
       8" Burgundy Std * 1
       8" Melany Std 1
       8" Tineke Std * 1
       8" Tineke Std 1
       10" Golden Gem Std 1
       10" Burgundy Bush * 1
       10" Melany Std * 1
       10" Ruby Bush 1
       10" Rubber Ruby Column 1
       10" Tineke Bush 1
       12" Golden Gem Std * 1
       12" Burgandy Bush 1
       12" Tineke Std * 1
       14" Burgundy Bush * 1
       14" Ruby Std 1
       14" Tineke Std * 1
Ficus Shivereana
       4" Shivereana Moonshine * 30
       6" Shivereana Moonshine * 12
Ficus Triangularis
       4" Triangularis Var Bush * 30
       10" Triangularis Var Bush * 1
       14" Triangularis Green 1
       14" Triangularis Var
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Tropical Paradise Wholesale Foliage, Inc.
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
Ficus Triangularis (continue)
       15G Fig Tree 1
       2" Fitonia White 90
       2" Albivenis (Pink) 90
Foliage Assortment
       4" Foliage Assortment * 30
       6" Foliage Assortment * 12
       4" Fruit 30
       4" Fig Hardy * 30
       4" Mulberry 30
       4" Passion * 30
       4" Patio Assortment * 30
       4" Pomegranate 30
       15G Mulberry Tree 1
       2" Gatseria Durban: No Half Packs * 40
       2" Flow * 80
       2" Gasteria Limpopo 40
       2" Gasteria Little Warty * 90
       2" Okavango * 40
       2" Royal Wolfgang * 80
       3" Assortment * 50
       4" Assortment 30
       4" Flow * 30
       4" Gasteria Kyaka 30
       4" Little Warty * 30
       4" Wolfgang * 30
       4" Poeppigii 30
Gerbera Daisy
       6" Assortment * 12
       4" Columnea * 30
       2" Gray Ghost 90
       3" Gray Ghost 50
       2" Big Band * 40
       2" Limifolia * 40
       2" Retusa * 40
       2" Universe * 40
       4" Rosemary Tree 36
       6" Rosemary BBQ 12
       6" Rosemary BBQ Braid 12
       6" Rosemary BBQ Cone * 12
       10" Rosemary BBQ 1
       12" Rosemary BBQ 1
       4" Camouflage * 30
       6" Camouflage * 12
Homalomena (continue)
       6" Emerald Gem * 12
       6" Selby 12
       8" Red Stem 1
       2" Kerri Hearts Grn * 40
       2" Hoya Var * 40
       2" Mix 40
       2" Rope Compacta 90
       3" Rope Green 56
       4" Assortment * 30
       4" Black Margin * 30
       4" c.v. Chouke 30
       4" Carnosa * 30
       4" Rope Green * 30
       4" Comp Rope Var * 30
       4" DS-70 Var 30
       4" Fungii 30
       4" Krimson Queen * 30
       4" Super Silver * 30
       4" phylla Hoya * 30
       4" Mathilde Splash 30
       4" Parviflora 30
       4" Premium Assortment * 30
       4" Pubicalyx Speckled * 30
       6" Assortment 12
       6" Exotica * 12
       6" Jade 12
       6" Krimson Queen 12
       6" Premium Assortment 12
       6" Pubicalyx Speckled * 12
       6" Silver Splash * 12
       8 Hoya Asst HB 6
       8 Exotic Asst HB 8
       8" Jade 6
       8" Pubera HB 6
       8" Pubicalyx Speckled HB * 6
       86" Silver Splash * 12
       2" Hypoestes Tricolor 90
       4" Splash Assortment * 30
Hypoestes (Splash)
       3" Splash Assortment * 63
       2" Polynesian 90
       4" Algerian Marble 30
       8" Algerian Marble HB 6
Ivy Assortment
       3" Green & Var Asst Square Pot 56
       4" Green & Var Asst * 30
       6" Green & Var 12
Ivy Green Algerian
       4" Green * 30
       8" HB (No Half Trays) * 6
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Tropical Paradise Wholesale Foliage, Inc.
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
Ivy Green Algerian (continue)
Ivy Green Varieties
       3" Green Asst Square Pot 56
       3" Greenheart Square Pot * 56
       4" Green Assortment * 30
       4" Asterisk * 30
       4" Needlepoint * 30
       4" Greenheart * 30
       6" Assortment 12
       6" Asterisk * 12
       6" Needlepoint 12
       6" Greenheart * 12
       8" Green Assortment HB 6
       8" Hole In One Bulb Pan Ivy * 6
       8" Grnheart HB * 6
Ivy Neon Algerian
       4" Neon * 30
       6" Neon * 12
       8" HB (No Half Trays) * 6
Ivy Variegated
       3" Variegated Square Pot * 56
       4" Assortment * 30
       4" Eva * 30
       4" Kolibri * 30
       4" Gertrude Strauss 30
       4" Gold Child * 30
       6" Assortment 12
       6" Eva * 12
       6" Kolibri * 12
       6" Gertrude Strauss * 12
       6" Gold Child * 12
       8" Variegated Assortment HB 6
       8" Eva HB * 6
       8" Kolibri HB 6
       8" Gold Child HB * 6
Ivy Variegated Algerian
       4" Variegated * 30
       6" Variegated * 12
       8" Marengo HB * 6
       8" HB * 6
       2" Tubiflora Mother of Millions 90
       4" Blooming Assortment 24
       6" Flapjack * 12
       8" Donkey Ears HB * 6
       8" Flapjack * 1
       2" Zebra Basket Vine 90
       4" *
       6" Var Lobbianus Pot * 12
       8" Black Pagoda 6
       8" Mona Lisa HB (No Half Trays) * 6
       4" Assorted Prayer Plant * 30
Maranta (continue)
       4" Green Prayer Plant * 30
       4" Lemon Prayer Plant * 30
       4" Red Prayer Plant * 30
       4" Silver Band * 30
       6" Green Prayer Plant * 12
       6" Lemon Prayer Plant * 12
       6" Assortment 12
       6" Red Prayer Plant * 12
       6" Maranta Silver Band * 12
       8" Maranta Assortment HB 6
       8" Green Prayer Plant HB 6
       8" Lemon HB * 6
       8" Red Prayer Plant HB * 6
       10" "Ever Red" 2
       14" "Ever Red" 2
Natal Mahogany
       10" Natal Mahogany * 1
New or Unusual
       4.5" String of Frogs 16
       Hanging Tillandsia Charms 30
       Nautilus Shell w/ Tillandsia 24
       Sea Star Garden 12
       2.5" Ceramic Dog & Cat Asst w/ Foli... 24
       2.5" Ceramic Farm Animal w/ Foliage 24 (No half Pack)
       3" Hanging Sea Life w/ Tillandsi... 12
       3.5" Mini Tillandsia Garden 20
       3" Small Tillandsia Jellyfish
       3" Small Tillandsia Wall Hangers 12
       3" Turtle Hatchlings w/ Tillandsi... 6
       3" Yoga Frog w/ Tillandsia 8
       4.5" Glass Globe * 6
       5" Bobble Head Lizzard w/ Tilland... 12
       5" Large Tillandsia Jellyfish 12
       5.5' x 10' Small Hole in One Terrarium * 9
       6" Tall Solar Terrarium * 9
       6" Tillandsia Cedar Arrangements 6
       6" Tillandsia Ceramic Garden 9
       6" x 8" Cylinder Glass Terrarium * 6
       6.75" x 12" Large Hole in One Terrarium * 6
       6" x 24" Natural Tillandsia Display Tre... 1
       6" Small Tillandsia Resin Tree 8
       7" Slope Glass Terrarium * 6
       7" Tillandsia Terrarium 4
       8" Natural Wreath w/ Xerographic... 6
       8" Tall Solar Terrarium * 6
       8" Xerographica Wreath Red Bow * 6
       9" Grapevine Hanging Ball with Fo... * 5
       10" Hanging Pear Terrarium 6
       12" Hanging Pear Terrarium 6
       14" Tall Wine Bottle Garden: No Half Tr... * 8
Olive Tree
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Tropical Paradise Wholesale Foliage, Inc.
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
       15G Olive tree 1
Pachira Money Tree
       4" Braid * 30
       6" Braid * 12
       10" Braid * 1
       2" Ganzhou 90
       6" Neanthe Bella * 12
Palm Queen
       14" Queen * 1
Palm Adonidia
       14" Multi * 1
       17" 3 ppp 1
       17" Single or Multi 1
Palm Areca
       4" Areca Palm 30
       10" Areca Palm * 1
       12" Areca Palm 1
       14" Areca Palm * 1
       17" Areca * 1
Palm Bamboo
       10" FL Hybrid * 1
       10" Seifrizii Palm * 1
       14" Seifrizii Palm * 1
       14" Seifrizii Palm * 1
Palm Cataract
       8" Cataract Palm 1
       10" Cataract Palm * 1
       12" Cataract Palm * 1
       14" Cataract Palm * 1
       17" Cataract Palm 1
Palm Coconut
       6" Dwarf Green Malaysian * 12
Palm Fan
       10" Chinese Fan Palm * 1
       12" Chinese Fan Palm * 1
       14" Chinese Fan Palm * 1
Palm Fishtail
       10" Fishtail Palm * 1
       14" Fishtail * 1
       17" Fishtail Palm * 1
Palm Madagascar
       4" Madagascar Palm * 30
       10" Madagascar Palm Single Trunk * 1
Palm Majesty
       8" Majesty Palm 1
       10" Majesty Palm Multi * 1
       12" Majesty Palm * 1
       12" Majesty Palm Single * 1
       14" Majesty Palm * 1
       17" Majesty Palm * 1
Palm Neanthe Bella
       3" Neanthe Bella * 63
Palm Neanthe Bella (continue)
       4" Neanthe Bella Palm * 30
       8" Neanthe Bella Palm * 1
       10" Neanthe Bella Palm * 1
       14" Neanthe Bella Palm * 1
Palm Ponytail
       4" Ponytail Palm 30
       4" Guatemalensis * 30
       10" Ponytail * 1
       10" Guatemalensis 1
       12" Single 1
Palm Rhapis
       6" Florida * 12
       10" Florida * 1
       12" Florida * 1
       14" Florida * 1
       17" Florida * 1
Palm Roebellini
       10" Roebellini Palm * 1
       12" Roebellini Palm 1
       14" Roebellini Palm * 1
       14" Roebellini Palm Multi Trunk * 1
       17" Roebellini Palm Multi Trunk * 1
       17" Roebellini Single 1
Palm Sago
       6" King Sago 12
       10" King Sago * 1
       10" Queen Sago 1
       14" King Sago * 1
       17" King Sago * 1
Palm Spindle
       10" Pot 1
       12" Pot 1
       14" Pot 1
       17" Pot 1
Palm Triangle
       17" Pot 1
Palm Washingtonia
       14" Pot 1
Palm Windmill
       10" Windmill * 1
Palm Ponytail
       3" Ponytail 56
       6" Guatemalensis * 12
       10" Mexican (Recurvata) Single 1
       14" Guatemalensis Multi 1
       14" Mexican (Recurvata) Single 1
       4" Repens * 30
       2" Assortment 90
       2" Hope * 90
       2" Pixie Lime
       2" Quito 90
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Tropical Paradise Wholesale Foliage, Inc.
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
Peperomia (continue)
       2" Watermelon * 90
       4" Assortment * 30
       4" Peperomia Assortment 30
       4" Burbella 30
       4" Costa Rica 30
       4" Cupid 30
       4" Ecuador 30
       4" Frost * 30
       4" Ginny * 30
       4" Golden Gate * 30
       4" Green Bean 30
       4" Hope * 30
       4" Little Toscani * 30
       4" Napoli Night * 30
       4" Obtusfolia Assortment 30
       4" Piccolo * 30
       4" Rana Verde * 30
       4" Red Edge 30
       4" Ripple Assortment * 30
       4" Rosso * 30
       4" Royal Princess 30
       4" Santorini 30
       4" Watermelon * 30
       6" Costa Rica 12
       6" Golden Gate * 12
       6" Marble * 12
       6" Napoli Nights * 12
       6" Picolo Banda 12
       6" Rana Verde 12
       6" Santorini 12
       6" Watermelon 12
       8" Hope * 6
       8" Ripple Asst HB * 6
       4" Pink Princess * 30
       4" Unusual Assortment 30
Philodendron Trailing
       3" Brasil 63
       3" Cordatum Green * 56
       4" Brasil * 30
       4" Cordatum Green * 30
       4" Cordatum Lemon * 30
       4" Micans Pot * 30
       4" Swiss Cheese * 30
       6" Brandtianum 12
       6" Brasil * 12
       6" Cordatum Green * 12
       6" Cordatum Lemon * 12
       6" Micans * 12
       6" Rio * 12
       6" Philo Silver Stripe * 12
       6" Swiss Cheese * 12
       6" Philodendron Vining Asst 12
Philodendron Trailing (continue)
       8" Brandtianum HB 6
       8" Brasil HB * 6
       8" Cordatum Green HB * 6
       8" Cordatum Lemon HB * 6
       8" Micans HB * 6
       8" Rio HB * 6
       8" Silver Stripe Philo HB * 6
       8" Swiss Cheese HB * 6
       8" Swiss Cheese Trellis * 1
       8" Philo Vining Asst HB 6
       10" Brandtianum 3' TP 1
Philodendron Upright
       2" Philo Mayoi 32
       4" Ecuadorian Canoe 30
       4" Birkins * 30
       4" Florida Green * 30
       4" Gloriosum * 30
       4" Goeldii * 30
       4" Jungle Boogie * 30
       4" Lemon Lime Upright * 30
       4" McColley's Finale * 30
       4" Monstera Deliciosa * 30
       4" Monstera Peru 30
       4" Moonlight * 30
       4" Philo Orange Marmaladel * 15
       4" Painted Lady * 30
       4" Pluto 30
       4" Prince Of Orange * 30
       4" Red Cherry 30
       4" Red Heart * 30
       4" Silver Stripe 30
       4" Silver Sword * 15
       4" Sun Red * 30
       4" Assortment * 30
       6" Golden Crocodile * 12
       6 Philodendron Birkins * 12
       6" Goeldii * 12
       6" Green Congo * 12
       6" Green Princess * 12
       6" Philodendron Hope 12
       6" Imperial Red * 12
       6" McColley's Finale * 12
       6" Monstera Deliciosa * 12
       6" Monstera Peru 12
       6" Monstera Peru HB * 12
       6" Moonlight * 12
       6" Orange Marmalade 12
       6" Prince of Orange * 12
       6" Ring Of Fire 12
       6" Rojo Congo * 12
       6" Selloum * 12
       6" Silver Sword * 12
       6" Snowdrift 12
Page 15

Tropical Paradise Wholesale Foliage, Inc.
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
Philodendron Upright (continue)
       6" Assortment * 12
       8" Florida Green * 6
       8" Gloriosum 6
       8" Lemon Lime Trellis 1
       8" Monstera Deliciosa * 1
       8" Monstera Peru HB 1
       8" Moonlight * 1
       8" Prince Of Orange * 1
       8" Revolution HB 6
       8" Ring of Fire 1
       8" Selloum * 1
       8" Selloum Lickety Split 1
       10" Xanadu Deja Vu 1
       10" Billietiae * 2
       10" Burle Marx * 1
       10" Gloriosum 1
       10" Green Congo * 1
       10" Imperial Red * 1
       10" Monstera Deliciosa * 1
       10" Moonlight * 1
       10" Prince of Orange 1
       10" Ring of Fire 1
       10" Rojo Congo * 1
       10" Selloum * 1
       10" Selloum Hope 1
       10" Squamiferum 2
       10" Summer Glory * 1
       10" Swiss Cheese Pole * 1
       10" Xanadu * 1
       12" Monstera 1
       14" Monstera Deliciosa * 1
       14" Rojo Congo Pot * 1
       14" Selloum * 1
       14" Xanadu Green * 1
       2" Friendship 90
       2" Peperomioide Chinese Money Pla... * 90
       2" Tiny Tears 90
       4" Peperomioide Chinese Money Pla... * 30
       6" Pinnatum Albo Var HB 12
       6" Neon Var HB 12
       10" Albo Var TP 1
       10" Pinnatum Neon Var TP 1
       14" Bush 1
Portulacaria Afra
       1" Afra Variegated * 120
       2" Green 90
       2" Variegated * 90
       4" Green 30
       4" Afra Green Heart * 30
       4" Afra Var Bonsai * 30
Portulacaria Afra (continue)
       4" Afra Var * 30
       6" Afra Green * 12
       6" Heart topiary * 12
       6" Portulacaria Cone
       8" Heart topiary 6
       10" Bonsai Form 1
       10" Afra Green Cone 1
       10" Green Heart Topiary 6
       10" Afra Grn Standard 1
       10" Heart topiary 4
       10" Var Bonsai Form 1
       3" Golden * 56
       4" Assortment * 30
       4" Hawaiian * 30
       4" Golden * 30
       4" Jade * 30
       4" Marble Queen * 30
       4" Neon * 30
       4" Neon Queen * 30
       4" Pearls and Jade (N Joy) * 30
       4" Sao Paulo 30
       4" Snow Queen * 30
       6" Pothos Assortment 12
       6" Emerald 12
       6" Hawaiian 12
       6" Golden * 12
       6" Golden HB 9
       6" Golden Pole * 12
       6" Jade * 12
       6" Marble Queen * 12
       6" Neon * 12
       6" Neon HB 12
       6" Neon Queen 12
       6" Pearls and Jade (N Joy) * 12
       6" Snow Queen * 12
       8" Assortment HB 6
       8" Global Green HB 6
       8" Hawaiian 6
       8" Golden HB (No Half Trays) * 6
       8" Golden Pole * 1
       8" Jade HB * 6
       8" Marble Queen HB (No Half Trays... * 6
       8" Neon HB * 6
       8" Pearls & Jade (N Joy) HB * 6
       8" Skeleton Key 6
       8" Snow Queen HB 6
       10" Golden Pole 1
       10" Marble Queen Pole 1
Rare Plants
       4" Epip Pinnatum Marble 30
       4" Philo Bette Waterbury * 30
       6" Anthurium Vittarifolium * 12
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Tropical Paradise Wholesale Foliage, Inc.
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
Rare Plants (continue)
       4" Dragon Tail * 30
       4" Korthalsii 30
       4" Shingles Hayii * 30
       6" Dragon Tail TP * 12
       10" Korthalsii TP * 2
Rieger Begonia
       6" Assortment * 12
       2" Variegated * 90
       2" Birds Nest * 80
       2" Star Power 80
       2.5" African Spear 3 Braid * 35 (No Halfpacks)
       2.5" Tiger 28
       2.5" Boncellensis NO Half Packs * 40
       4" Abbey Crown 30
       4" Gilt Edge * 30
       4" Jewel Crown 30
       4" Josephine 30
       4" Lavranos 30
       4" Liliput * 30
       4" Marginata 30
       4" Pagoda 30
       4" Silver Branch 30
       4" Silver Princess * 30
       4" Star Ming 30
       4" Temple Crown 30
       4" Tiger Crown 30
       4" Tornado * 30
       4" Triasciata Ghost * 30
       4" Boncel Starfish * 30
       4" Francissii * 30
       4" Zeylonica * 30
       4" Assortment * 30
       4" Coral 30
       4" Hedgehog 30
       4" Icicle Mikado 30
       4" Marginata Jade 30
       4" Silver Crown 30
       4" Star Power 30
       4" Tower * 30
       4" Whale Fin * 30
       5" Moonshine 20
       5" Shark Fin * 16
       6" Black Coral * 12
       6" Lauren 12
       6" Laurentii * 12
       6" Moonshine * 12
       6" Sayuri * 12
       6" Shark Fin * 12
       6" Vittorio Whale Fin * 12
       6" Zeylonica * 12
Sansevieria (continue)
       6" Grower's Choice Asst 12
       6" Night Owl * 12
       6" Silver Streak 12
       6" Uupright Assortment 12
       8" Black Coral * 1
       8" Fernwood * 1
       8" Lauren 1
       8" Moonshine * 1
       8" Zeylonica * 1
       8" Laurentii * 1
       8" Silver Streak * 1
       8" Wintergreen 1
       10" Fernwood * 1
       10" Laurentii * 1
       10" Zeylonica * 1
       10" Sayuri 1
       10" Shark Fin 1
       10" Silver Streak 1
       10" Spearamint 1
       14" Zeylonica * 1
       14" Laurentii * 1
       14" Wintergreen 1
Sansevieria Upright
       4" Fernwoood * 30
       4" Laurentii * 30
       10" Black Coral * 1
       12" Laurentii 1
Sansevieria Birdnest
       3" Hahnii Assortment * 63
       4" Assortment * 30
       4" Black Hahnii 30
       4" Golden Hahnii * 30
       4" Green Hahnii * 30
       4" Lotus Hahnii * 30
       5" Hahnii Golden 20
       6" Assortment 12
Sansevieria Superba
       4" Superba * 30
       4" Golden Flame * 30
       4" Futura 30
       6" Robusta 12
       6" Fabi 1
       6" Futura 12
       6" Golden Edge 12
       6" Grower's Choice 12
       2" Stolonifera Tricolor 90
Schefflera Amate
       4" Alpine Jr. * 30
       8" Amate * 1
       10" Alpine Jr * 1
       10" Amate * 1
       14" Amate * 1
Page 17

Tropical Paradise Wholesale Foliage, Inc.
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
Schefflera Amate (continue)
Schefflera Arboricola
       4" Green 30
       4" Green Mini * 30
       4" Variegated 30
       6" Green Compacta 12
       8" Green Compacta Stand 1
       10" Green Braid * 1
       10" Green Bush * 1
       10" Green Standard 1
       10" Trinette Bush 1
       10" Variegated Braid * 1
       10" Variegated Bush * 1
       10" Variegated Standard * 1
       14" Green Braid 1
       14" Green Bush * 1
       14" Green Standard * 1
       14" Trinette Bush 1
       14" Variegated Braid * 1
       14" Variegated Bush * 1
       14" Variegated Standard * 1
       6" Leopard Lily 12
       4" Pictus * 30
       4" Silver Ann * 30
       4" Silver Satin * 30
       4" Splash HB 24
       6" Pictus * 12
       6" Pictus Exotica 12
       6" Silver Ann * 12
       6" Silver Satin * 12
       8" Assortment HB 6
       8" Jade Satin HB 6
       8" Silver Satin HB * 6
       8" Treubii Moonlight HB 6
       10" Pictus Pole 1
       6" Fountain Grass Purple 12
       6" Maiden Grass 12
       6" Pink Muhly Grass 12
       10" Blue Butterfly Bush 1
       10" Fountain Grass Purple 1
       10" Gardenia Braid 1
       10" Jasmine Maid of Orleans 1
       10" Powder Puff Std 1
       10" Sambac Jasmine Std * 1
Seasonal Allamanda
       10" Yellow Bush * 1
Seasonal Chinese Lantern
       10" Standard * 1
Seasonal Clerodendron
       10" Trellis * 1
Seasonal Dipladenia
       6" Pink Bush * 12
       6" Blue Bush 12
       6" Pink Bush * 12
       6" Red Bush * 12
       6" White Bush * 12
       6" Yellow Bush 12
       10" Blue Bush 1
       10" Pink & Red HB * 4
       10" Pink Bush * 1
       10" Pink HB * 4
       10" Red Bush * 1
       10" Red HB * 4
       10" White Bush * 1
       10" White HB * 4
       10" Yellow Bush 1
Seasonal Duranta
       10" Sapphire Standard * 1
Seasonal Dutchman's Pipe
       10" Trellis 1
Seasonal Gardenia
       4" Gardenia Bush * 30
       6" Braid * 12
       6" Bush * 12
       8" Bush * 1
       10" Aimee Bush 1
       10" Aimee Standard * 1
       12" Aimee Standard 1
       14" Aimee Standard * 1
Seasonal Hibiscus
       6" Braid Assorted * 12
       6" Assorted Bush-SHADE * 12
       6" Fla Sunset Bush * 12
       6" Painted Lady Bush * 12
       6" President Red Bush 12
       6" Seminole Pink Bush * 12
       6" Yellow Bush * 12
       10" Audrey Dbl Pink Bush * 1
       10" Audrey Double Pink Standard * 1
       10" Dbl Peach Bush * 1
       10" Dbl Peach BStandard * 1
       10" Double Red Bush * 1
       10" Double Red Std * 1
       10" Double White Bush 1
       10" Fiesta Braid * 1
       10" Fiesta Bush * 1
       10" Fiesta Standard * 1
       10" FL Orange Bush * 1
       10" FL Orange Standard * 1
       10" Florida Sunset Bush * 1
       10" Florida Sunset Std * 1
       10" Ft. Myers Yellow Braid * 1
       10" Ft. Myers Yellow Bush * 1
       10" Ft. Myers Yellow Standard * 1
       10" Hollywood Bush 1
Page 18

Tropical Paradise Wholesale Foliage, Inc.
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
Seasonal Hibiscus (continue)
       10" Hollywood Multi Color Bush 1
       10" Hollywood Std 1
       10" Multi Color Braid * 1
       10" Orange Pride Bush * 1
       10" Painted Lady Braid * 1
       10" Painted Lady Bush * 1
       10" Painted Lady Standard * 1
       10" President Red Braid * 1
       10" President Red Bush * 1
       10" President Red Standard * 1
       10" Red Hot Bush 1
       10" Seminole Bush 1
       10" Seminole Pink Standard * 1
       10" Tequila Braid 1
       10" Hula Girl Braid * 1
       10" Yellow Tequilla Hula Girl Bush * 1
       10" YellowTequilla/Hula Girl Stand... * 1
       12" Hibiscus Braid 1
       12" Fl Orange Trellis Braid 1
       12" Painted Lady Trellis Braid 1
       12" President Red Lattice Braid 1
       12" Sem Pink Lattice Braid 1
       12" Hibiscus Std 1
       14" Florida Orange Std *
       14" Florida Sunset Bush * 1
       14" Yellow Delight Std * 1
       14" Yel Delight Trellis Brd 1
       14" Double Pink Standard 1
       14" Hibiscus Braid 1
       14" Hibiscus Bush 1
       14" Double Peach Bush * 1
       14" Double Peach Lattice Braid 1
       14" Double Red Bush 1
       14" Hib. Painted Lady Braid 1
       14" Painted Lady Bush * 1
       14" Painted Lady Standard 1
       14" President Red Braid * 1
       14" President Red Bush 1
       14" President Red Standard 1
       14" Seminole Pink Bush 1
       14" Sem Pink Lattice Braid 1
       14" Seminole Pink Standard 1
       14" Hibiscus Std 1
Seasonal Hibiscus Premium Colors
       10" Yellow Delight Bush * 1
Seasonal Ixora
       10" Yellow Braid 1
Seasonal Jasmine
       6" Confederate Hoop 12
       6" Sambac * 12
       6" Star * 12
       10" Trellis 1
       10" Sambac Bush * 1
Seasonal Jasmine (continue)
       10" Star * 1
Seasonal Mandevilla
       6" Alice Dupont Hoop * 12
       6" Giant Red Hoop * 12
       6" Giant White Hoop SP * 12
       6" Pink Trellis * 12
       6" Red Trellis 12
       6" Yellow Hoop * 12
       10" Alice Dupont 30 trellis * 1
       10" Giant Pink 30 trellis * 1
       10" Pretty Pink 30 Trellis * 1
       10" Pretty Red 30 Trellis 1
       10" Red 30 Trellis * 1
       10" Sundenia Red 30 Trellis 1
       10" Sundenia Red 36 Trellis 1
       10" White 30 Trellis * 1
       12" Aice Dupont Tee-Pee * 1
       12" White Tee Pee * 1
Seasonal Mona Lavender
       10" Bush * 1
Seasonal Musa
       6" Banana 12
Seasonal Musa Banana
       10" Ensete Maureli Red * 1
Seasonal Oleander
       10" Pink Bush * 1
       10" Red Bush * 1
       10" White Bush * 1
Seasonal Panama Rose
       10" Panama Rose Std * 1
Seasonal Papyrus
       10" Papyrus * 1
Seasonal Passion Vine
       10" Blue 30 Trellis * 1
       10" Purple Trellis * 1
       10" Red 30 Trellis * 1
       10" Red 36 Trellis * 1
Seasonal Plumbago
       10" Imperial Blue * 1
Seasonal Podocarpus
       10" Maki * 1
Seasonal Shrimp Plant
       10" Red Braid * 1
Seasonal Tecoma
       10" Esperanza Orange Standard * 1
       10" Esperanza Stans Yellow Standar... * 1
       10" Esperanza Bush 1
Seasonal Thunbergia
       10" Blue Sky Vine Trellis * 1
Seasonal Tibouchina
       10" Bush * 1
       10" Standard * 1
Seasonal-Passion Vine
Page 19

Tropical Paradise Wholesale Foliage, Inc.
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
       14" Red Tee Pee
Selaginella Moss
       2" Moss Ruby * 90
       2" Club Moss Assortment * 90
       4" Club Moss Gold * 30
       6" Club Moss Assortment 12
       6" Club Moss Avatar 12
       6" Club Moss Gold * 12
       6" Club Moss Green * 12
       6" Rainbow (Peacock) * 12
       8" Rainbow (Peacock) HB * 6
       2" Jacobsenii 90
       2" Mountain Glory 90
       2" Stapeliiformis Pickle Plant 90
       4" Mountain Glory 30
Spanish Moss
       Box Tillandsia Useneoides * 1
       4" Domino Var Peace Lily * 30
       4" Peace Lily * 30
       4" Platinum Mist * 30
       6" Platinum Mist * 12
       6" Variegated Domino * 12
       6" Peace Lily * 12
       8" Peace Lily * 1
       8" Bulb Pan * 6
       10" Peace Lily * 1
       14" Peace Lily * 1
String Assortment
       2" String Asst: Heart Turtle Pea... * 90
       4" String Assortment 30
       6" String Assortment HB * 12
String of Dolphin
       4" String of Dolphin * 30
String of Frogs
       2" String of Frogs * 90
String of Hearts
       2" String of Hearts Variegated * 90
       4" String of Hearts 30
String of Pearls
       2" String of Pearls * 90
       2" String of Pearls Variegated * 90
       4" String of Pearls * 30
String of Tears
       4" String of Tears 30
String of Turtles
       2" String of Turtles * 90
       4.5" String of Turtles * 8
       2" Trio Star * 32
       4" Triostar * 30
       6" Trio Star * 12
       8" Trio Star * 1
Stromanthe (continue)
       10" Trio Star * 1
       2" Aeonium Starburst 90
       2" Aeonium Super Bang * 90
       2" Cotyledon Orbiculata
       2" Pedilanthus Green 90
       2" Rhipsalis * 90
       2" Senecio Crassissimus 90
       2" Senecio Purple Flush 90
       4" Pentandrum 30
       4" Pedilanthus Assortment 30
       4" Rhipsalis Assortment * 30
       4" Senecio Stapeliformis 30
       6" Hawarthia Assortment 12
       6" Jade * 12
       6" Pedilanthus Assortment * 12
       6" Senecio Stapeliformis * 12
       6" Succulent Combo 12
       8" Hawarthia Assortment 6
       8" Pedilanthus Assortment * 6
Succulent Aeonium
       2" Zwartkop 90
Succulent Agave
       6" Assortment * 12
       8" Assortment 1
       10" Assortment * 1
Succulent Aloe
       3" Assortment * 50
       3" Christmas Carol * 50
       4" Assortment * 30
       4" Aloe Vera * 30
       4" Aloe Vera in Clay pot * 20
       6" Assortment * 12
       6" Hedgehog 12
       6" Aloe * 12
       8" Assortment 1
       8" Aloe Vera 1
       10" Aloe Vera * 1
Succulent Assortments
       1" Fairy Pot Succulent Mix * 120
       2" Assortment * 90
       3" Assortment * 50
       4" Assortment * 30
       4" Combo * 30
       6" Assortment * 12
       6" Succulent HB Assortment * 10
       8" Succulent Assortment 1
Succulent Crassula
       1" Buddha Temple * 120
       2" Campfire * 90
       2" Crassula Ovata 90
       2" Shark's Tooth * 90
Succulent Echeveria
Page 20

Tropical Paradise Wholesale Foliage, Inc.
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
       1" Debbie * 120
       1" Letizia * 120
       1" Yunnanensis Black 90
       2" Affinis 90
       2" Agavoides 90
       2" Agavoides-Red Tip
       2" Alita 90
       2" Amistar 90
       2" Amoena 90
       2" Assortment * 90
       2" Benitsukasa 90
       2" Blue Atol * 90
       2" Crispate Beauty 90
       2" Dark Rose 90
       2" Debbie 90
       2" Elegance 90
       2" Fabiola * 90
       2" Filliferum * 90
       2" Holy Gate * 90
       2" Jumbo Mix 90
       2" Letizia 90
       2" Lovely Rose 90
       2" MacDougallii * 90
       2" Madiba 90
       2" Maroon 90
       2" Melaco 90
       2" Morning Dew 90
       2" Neon Breaker's 90
       2" Painted Frills * 90
       2" Pelusida 90
       2" Perle von Nurnberg * 90
       2" Pink trumpet 90
       2" Pollux 90
       2" Premium Assortment * 90
       2" Purple Dance 90
       2" Purple Pearl 90
       2" Red Dragon fly 90
       2" Summer 90
       2" Taco 90
       2" Tangilo 90
       2" Texinsis 90
       2" Tigela 90
       2" Tortuga 90
       2" Concolor * 40
       3" Amistar 50
       3" Assortment * 50
       3" Dark Vader 50
       3" Decora 50
       3" Pink Trumpet 50
       3" Speed Bump 50
       4" Assortment * 30
       4" Chantily Var 30
       4" Culibra 30
       4" Dondo * 30
Succulent Echeveria (continue)
       4" Macdougalli 30
       4" Perle von Nurnberg * 30
       4" Pollux 30
       6" Assortment * 12
       8" Assortment 1
Succulent Euphorbia
       2" Neriifolia 90
       2" Tigrona * 90
       4" Assortment 30
       4" Trigona Red 30
       6" Assortment * 12
       6" Triogona Red * 12
       8" Assortment * 1
       10" Assortment * 1
       12" Assortment 1
Succulent Garden
       4" Plastic Pot * 30
       6" Garden in Clay Bowl 3ppp 9
       6" Colorful Plastic Bowl: No Half... * 10
Succulent Graptosedum
       2" Apricot Variegated 90
       2" Vera Higgins 90
Succulent Haworthia
       2" Assortment * 90
       2" Enon * 90
       2" Limafolia No Half Packs * 40
       2" Miami No Half Packs * 40
       2" Savanna No Half Packs * 40
       2" Tesselata No Half Packs * 45
       3" Assortment * 50
       4" Assortment * 30
       4" Miami 30
       4" Savanna * 30
Succulent Jade
       2" Hobbit * 90
       3" Mini Crosby * 50
       4" Jade Plant (Crassula) * 18
       4" Assortment * 30
       4" Gollum Hobbit 30
       8" Regular * 1
       10" Regular * 1
Succulent Lithops
       2" Living Stones * 90
Succulent Sedum
       1" Sedum Burrito 120
       2" Sedum Adolphy 90
       2" Sedum Blue 90
       2" Brazil 90
       2" Sedum Burrito 90
       2" Sedum Mix 90
       2" Sedum Nusbarium 90
       2" Ruby Glow Hybrid 90
       2" Sedum Yellow 90
Page 21

Tropical Paradise Wholesale Foliage, Inc.
SC/NC/GA Office: (864) 476-0960 SC/NC/GA Fax: (864) 476-7112
Succulent Sedum (continue)
       4" Assortment 30
Succulent Sempervivium
       2" Hens & Chicks * 90
       3" Hens & Chicks * 50
Succulent Tiger Jaw
       1" Faucaria tigrina * 120
       2" Faucaria tigrina 90
       3" Faucaria tigrina * 50
Succulents Haworthia
       2" Cape Town * 90
       2" Aristata 90
       2" Big Bang 90
       2" Reticulata 90
Syngonium Nephthytis
       4" Batik * 30
       4" Milk Confetti * 30
       4" Neon Pink * 30
       4" Red Arrow * 30
       4" Wendlandii * 30
       6" Three Kings 12
       4" Tacca Chantrieri 30
       6" Terrarium Mason Jar * 6
       8" Terrarium Mason Jar * 6
Terrarium Plants
       2" Colorful Foliage Assortment * 90
       2" FERN & FOLIAGE Assortment * 90
       2" FERN Assortment * 90
       2" FOLIAGE Assortment * 90
       2" Premium FOLIAGE Assortment * 90
       1" Calcarea 120
       4" Ball on Stem Ivy * 30
       4" Hoop Ivy * 30
       4" Solid Tree (Cone) Ivy * 30
       6" Ball on Stem Ivy * 12
       6" Hoop Ivy * 12
       6" Solid Tree (Cone) Ivy * 12
       8" Ball on Stem Ivy * 1
       8" Hoop Ivy * 1
       8" Hoop Ivy Hole In One 6
       8" Tree (Solid Cone) Ivy * 1
       10" Ball on Stem Ivy * 1
       10" Tree (Solid Cone) Ivy * 1
       2" Pink Panther Callisia Repens * 90
       2" Tradescantia Mix 90
       2" Nanouk * 90
       2" Repens Gold 90
       4" Wandering Jew HB 24
       4" Tradescantia Nanouk * 15
Tradescantia (continue)
       4" Lendenii * 30
Zamia Furfuracea
       14" Cardboard Palm * 1
Zamia ZZ
       4" Zamiacalcus ZZ * 30
       4" Black Queen * 30
       5" ZZ * 16
       5" Super Nova (Black ZZ) * 16
       6" Black Queen 12
       6" Zamiacalcus ZZ * 12
       6" Super Nova (Black ZZ) * 12
       8" Zamiacalcus ZZ * 1
       10" Zamiacalcus ZZ * 1
       10" Lucky 1
       12" Zamiacalcus ZZ * 1
       14" Zamiacalcus ZZ * 1
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